Directions from main station Bremen:
Bus 26, 27 (destination Huckelriede) or tram no. 1 (destination Huchtingen) until stop Am Brill. From there it’s about 5 min. walking to Obernstraße 76.

Directions from airport Bremen:
Tram no. 6 (destination Universität) until stop Domsheide. From there it’s about 8 min. walking to Obernstraße 76. Alternatively you can take bus 25 (destination Weidedamm Süd) to Martinistraße. From there it’s about 2 min. walking.

By car:
Address for navigation: Martinistraße 33, 28195 Bremen. There you’ll find the entrance to the parking garage. From there it’s about 5 min. walking to Obernstraße 76.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help with navigation, ticket bookings or hotel recommendations. We’re happy to support you:
Silke Lutterbüse: 0421-16204-33, s.lutterbuese(at)konkret-mafo(dot)de

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